Sunday, May 17, 2020

5/8/20 Benjamin Zhu PD1

Benjamin Zhu period 1

Experience with working at home-
  • Working at home is both convenient and tedious. It’s convenient in the sense that I don’t have to wake up early everyday to do an assignment, I could submit it any time of the day. However, it’s also tedious because finding the motivation to do work at home by yourself could feel boring and stressful. And as far as my experience goes, for the most part it’s alright, but at times I would forget a few assignments here or there cause staying at home for two months makes it feel like school isn’t in session anymore. Yet this vibe also relieves a lot of stress as well since I’m not consistently worrying about the work. 
Updates about the virus-
  • As of now, the US is still the country to have the most incidents and it doesn’t seem like it’ll change anytime soon. In fact we are still increasing by the day. China on the other hand, relieved lockdown six weeks ago and for the most part it seems to be doing fine with a few minor cases popping up here and there. As of US, NY has the most cases in all of the United States with around 350,000 cases and nyc alone makes up half of it. The number is still increasing by the day but it seems that we are past the peak since we are gaining less and less cases everyday. 
Personal feeling about current incident-
  • Personally, I just wish the virus will end soon because being stuck home for two months gets extremely boring. I’m also annoyed that the rest of the senior year is ruined for everyone. I had so many plans for future events but they were all canceled. Also, there’s been rumors that this virus might even last till end of the year and it’ll suck if college’s first semester starts as online classes because most students won’t have the motivation to study at home. It’s hard to focus without someone teaching directly in front of you. 

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