Thursday, May 7, 2020

5/4/20 Justin Huang Period 1

Modern Mythology 2020

Justin Huang
Period 1

What is it like working from home?
It’s certainly different from physically going to school. There are some classes that attempt to replicate the classroom environment by having video meetings, but the result is far from our expectations. Oftentimes only a portion of the class joins the meeting, and we usually keep our mics and webcams off. Our teachers end up mainly speaking to themselves for the entire class time.
So it seems the benefits of remote learning apply solely to students. I find myself getting out of bed around midday, and by the time I eventually get around to doing my work, most of the day has passed. I value this ability to do work at my own leisure, but I do find myself putting things off longer than I should.
I also have to admit I miss school more than I ever thought I would. Perhaps it’s that everything is boring when it’s routine, but when things were normal, I’d do anything to trade a day of school for a day of nothing at home. Now, it’s quite the opposite. I miss things like taking the bus, seeing different faces, and even daydreaming in class.

What are the updates around the world/community regarding the virus?
Though things seem to be winding down in the US, most states are still being cautious. There are some states planning to reopen sooner than later, but that may not be the right idea. Mississippi saw its largest number of new cases reported in a single day shortly after its governor announced outdoor gatherings and dine-in restaurants would be allowed later in the week. Public officials seem to be pushing for reopenings in order to prevent more damage to the economy. US unemployment rates in April were the highest they’d been since the Great Depression.

Your own personal feelings and thoughts about what is happening right now.
Amidst all this madness, we can very easily lose motivation and begin to resent our circumstances. As high school seniors, we expected a lot from this year. We won’t experience events like prom and graduation which we looked forward to, and our final memories of high school will unfortunately be tied to this virus. However, we do have so much to look forward to. Most of us have committed to a college by now, and come fall we will begin something new. The very first day of college will be a beautiful way to end our quarantine. While we may be confined now, many of us will move far away for college. Life will become extraordinarily different from the present. We may come to miss the homes we’re trapped in now, and we may wish to see our families, even if they annoy us at the moment. Perhaps we’ll soon appreciate our time spent in quarantine. As for now, I can’t wait for it to be over, but don’t mistake my excitement of what’s to come, for contempt of the time being.

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