Friday, May 29, 2020

5/29 Martin Zeng Period 1

Martin Zeng Period 1
Modern Mythology 2020
Blogger #32

How is what you’re learning applied to any other classes/the world around you?

Mr. Olsen, my physics teacher gave us an extra assignment after the AP tests where we choose theoretical or practical physics and from there we are doing assignments based on our choice. I chose practical physics and I’m finding it challenging but it has been made somewhat easier from the differential equations that I’ve been learning/learned in calculus. Its taken quite a while for science and math to line up in my educational career. I never thought I would see the day. In our Mythology class I’ve been using the ideas that I’ve learned and tried to use them to understand the events that are happening in our world right its almost like its a psychology class. An example would be blame game thats happening among the world leaders in order to take the blame off themselves. If they truly cared they would have admitted to their own incompetencies and the countless lives they have negatively affected. I understand why they would do it. If they didn’t they wouldn’t keep their job but I still can’t agree with their decisions. Being able to delve deeper into the underlying reasons behind the actions that people take gives the news an extra dimension of applicable thought and self-reflection.

What are the updates around the world/community regarding the virus?

Our current situation is that New York City is on the brink of officially ending the pause phase very soon. A bit sooner than I expected but a welcome surprise. Governor Cuomo intends to reopen the city but in a very limited fashion. Many businesses that do not require close contact between people are being reopened for the public to use. However social distancing protocols, face masks, retail pick-up only, and limited capacity are still in effect and large gatherings are still prohibited. The city is taking quick action in order to ensure that people make the best and safest decisions possible regarding going outside because they know that they cannot keep everyone inside when every week the weather is getting warmer and everyone is itching to get outside. Around the country there have been much more drastic reopening measures that have already lead to expected spikes in cases/deaths. I only hope that the virus is contained as well as possible while also reopening the economy. There has to be a balance or a lot more anger will be pent up inside the population.

My personal feelings and thoughts about what is happening right now.

I personally believe that what is happening right now is still very surreal even 2 and a half months into the lockdown. Even though I’m more of an indoors person I still miss the outside world and can’t wait for things to go back to normal. Hopefully our government takes the best steps in order to ensure that we can go back to normal as soon as possible. However, I don’t think that things will return to complete normalcy anytime soon. I believe that people will be much more conscious about cleanliness in public and the such. I really don’t want classes to be online instruction in the fall because I shudder at the thought of having to take online classes for classes that will probably be very challenging. My performance and work ethic has already been severely affected by online learning and I’m scared of what online college classes will do to my mental health and work ethic. Everytime I think of what it will be like once we return to normal I can’t envision it because it feels like we’ve been in lockdown forever and that I spent the entire school year at home. Everything that happened before the virus seems so distant that the pre-corona era jokes actually have a bit of backing behind them.

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