Thursday, May 28, 2020

5/28/20 Lillian Tong PD1

5/28/2020       Lillian Tong PD 1
Modern Mythology 2020
What is it like working from home?
     Some of the lessons thus far are really interesting as it allows you to research a little more by yourself as you read the lessons on your own time. There have been a lot of times in past classes where there would be something that catches my eye on a slide, I write a note down to look more into it when I’m at home, but I end up usually forgetting about it as my day goes on. Of course, there are a lot of elements that are missing from the at home setting that we would get from a more traditional classroom. The element that I miss the most is being able to interact with people on a personal basis as we go over literary lessons that have been passed down generations. It’s significantly different now, as I read through the slides at my own pace and the extra time helps me articulate my thoughts more clearly, but it’s difficult when I don’t understand something and get stuck at a concept; something that didn’t happen as I could rely on Ms. Fusaro to help me fill in the blanks and provide a deeper way to look at a scene. 
What are the updates around the world/community regarding the virus?
     As of writing the blog, the United States tops the charts with 1,662,768 cases. New York City’s own cases total around 370,000 with 29,000 deaths. Places like Long Island and Western New York have been reported to be in the process of reopening, which is great news. With cases plateauing, it gives hope to those who can be able to work again, such is a case as my family, but it also would be good to remember how fast things can spiral out of control out of nowhere, so it’s important to not jump the gun and be patient with how things are progressing.
Your own personal feelings and thoughts about what is happening right now.
     These past few weeks I’ve been reading the news and having conversations with my family and friends about the situation. Seeing as I am still young and inexperienced, it didn’t really hit me how real everything is, until my friend’s grandparents got it. It has worried my family how it might affect my grandparents, as they live near each other. It also is interesting how people react in these times; with videos surfacing online of stores rightfully turning away people refusing to wear masks to shop and these people would throw tantrums and threaten lawsuits, as well as videos of discrimination against Asian Americans that involve slander, harassment, and at its worse, extreme violence. It puts into perspective how far society has progressed only to be undermined by a few people who never really grew up to see beyond their own immature agendas.

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