Thursday, May 28, 2020

5/14/20 Michael Zverev Period 7 (LATE)

What are the updates around the world/community regarding the virus? 
Here are some up-to-date facts according to CNN outlets: The US reported 18,611 new cases of Covid-19 and 693 related deaths on Tuesday, according to data from Johns Hopkins University. That raises the national total to at least 1,680,913 cases and 98,913 deaths. The totals include cases from all 50 states, the District of Columbia and other US territories, as well as repatriated cases. Peru reports more than 5,000 new coronavirus cases Worldwide restrictions: Australia angered China by calling for a Covid-19 investigation. Now Beijing is targeting its exports Google plans to reopen some offices in July Employees at those locations will be able to return to the office, but each will be limited to about 10% building occupancy at first, with plans to grow to 30% capacity by September. Antibody tests for Covid-19 are wrong half the time, CDC says Coronavirus model now projects 11,000 fewer deaths in the US by August As states began reopening, IHME upped its forecast for the number of US deaths, based in part on cell phone mobility data that showed people moving around more. But the institute began revising its projections downwards last week, saying an expected increase in infections had not yet occurred. Latin American countries are getting hit hard. Most are in their current worse state. 

What is it like working from home? 
Personally I enjoy working from home. I always valued the ability to schedule my studies around times that are convenient for me. At this point in the quarantine, it seems like every day is just getting faster and faster. After completing my AP assignments, it is finally time to relax a little bit and finish off the school year strong. Getting my assignments online really helps me out as well because i am able to work at my own pace, creating a schedule that works for me and allows me to get work done. Also, it feels like i have more time to myself, and it feels like i'm able to put more effort into my work because of it. After having some time for myself everyday, I naturally put more passion into my work because I'm always content with myself almost everyday. Another thing is that i am definitely more focused on myself now instead of worrying about unimportant issues, which really helps out with my mental health, and that translates into my schoolwork and assignments. 

Your own personal feelings and thoughts about what is happening right now. 
At this point in time, it seems obvious that people are beginning to get tired of quarantine. People are starting to go out and not social distance like their county is immune to the coronavirus or something. I understand that people miss each other, but warm weather does not mean the pandemic is over. Personally, I have gone to see my friends many times and I came back safe. But even i practiced social distancing to protect my loved ones had i caught something. Another thing that bothers me is the threat of a larger second wave due to the increased openings of counties across the nation. I think that we need to play our cards correctly, because opening too early will lead us into a state that would be much worse than the one we have experienced already. This would prove detrimental to our economy and status as a nation. As far as legislation is concerned, I believe the state of NY could have held the situation a little better. I think certain funds need to be redirected to more pressing issues, such as towards homeless shelters, and healthcare, instead of direct general funding to agencies such as WHO and the CDC. Don’t get me wrong, it’s important to fund them for research and cure purposes, but it just felt like we left our people behind in the short run. Hopefully we can find a cure and vaccine to prevent a catastrophe like this ever happening again

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