Monday, May 11, 2020

5/11/20 Edmund Yuen PD 7

Edmund Yuen #33 
Period 7 
Modern Mythology 2020 

What is life like working from home? 
I already expected this pandemic to be this severe so I had already made some preparations beforehand for remote learning. It hasn’t been that different from regular work at school as we still go over the same materials, except a lot of the personal learning that we can experience from our classmates and teachers have been lost as we are generally looking at them through a screen for a majority of lessons. I have been getting a lot more sleep as classes now start at 9 and I no longer have to make an hour and a half commute so that’s one of the major pros. 

What are the updates around the world/community regarding the virus? 
There has just been a major outbreak in the White House and many officials are now self-quarantining, including the leading doctor, Dr. Anthony Fauci. As states are now reopening, the death toll may rise drastically as people start gathering once again. Regions in New York State, including Rochester County, are now beginning to reopen as they now meet the particular requirements. However, a mysterious illness has been infecting young children lately and any experts believe it is related to Covid-19 and is investigating into that. 

Your own feelings and thoughts about what is happening right now. 

I was hoping for this Pandemic to blow over quickly, and I hoped for a vaccine to be quickly 
developed. However, after over 2 months in quarantine, a lot of my regular discipline has 
disappeared. Being on the MSIT track team, we have to train daily so we can maintain our 
running physique. Even though I have been keeping up with core, I have not been able to run 
every day as I should. It’s partially because of Covid-19 and I don’t want to run around possibly 
spreading the disease, and it’s partially because I have lost all of my motivation. This outdoor 
season was meant to be our last opportunity to create new Personal Records, achieve greater 
things, and win more medals but it was abruptly interrupted by this pandemic. Now that I don’t 
have anything that I am particularly working towards, I find it hard to lace up my shoes to go on 
a run. However, I don’t think this is a valid reason for me to stop. Even though I don’t have a 
goal to work towards, the discipline running brings would be extremely valuable later on in life. 

Perhaps I’ll go on a run today after all. 

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