Friday, May 1, 2020

4/7/20 James Pannone Period 1

4/7/20 James Pannone Period 1

What is it like working from home? 
I have found that working from home is a lot better. The workload is way more manageable (for some classes) and way less stressful. Only having three classes a day makes dealing with our current situation much easier. The only problem I have, is I'm not home much now since I had to get a job to help my family. Some teachers are strictly using their timestamps, but that can be hard for me because I sometimes have work during those times. 

Your own personal feelings and thoughts about what is happening right now.
I feel like ignorant people are making this pandemic much worse than it was projected to be. The fact that people still feel the need to leave the house for unnecessary reasons is just selfish. My dad is a member of the NYPD, he is forced to go on the streets and put his whole family in danger. He doesn't have a choice, but the people who do and still feel the need to leave are just disrespectful. He is currently losing 25% of his salary, which is usually over time, and people still think this whole pandemic isn't a big deal.

What are you learning about your world/community based on the reactions? 
This adds on to my previous topic, people are selfish. They are leaving the house for minimal enjoyment and putting countless lives in danger. My great-grandma was recently diagnosed with the virus, and she's 90. We don't know how she contracted the virus, but she is living in a nursing home so it's a good guess that one of her care-takers was neglectful. People need to think about people other than themselves and realize there is more in this world that minimal fun that leads to innocent death.

Sorry, this is late Zuting but can you please submit it anyway so maybe I can get partial credit.

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