Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Katherine Fernandes 4/8/20 Period 2 - Blog #3

April 8, 2020

Katherine Fernandes - Period 2

What are the updates around the world/community regarding the virus?
The coronavirus continues to spread throughout the world. Based on data from April 6th, in New York State there are about 138,863 cases with 5,489 deaths. Out of those numbers the New York hotspot for the pandemic is focused in New York City with 76,876 cases and 4,111 deaths. These are the numbers publicly available through google but I can’t help to think there are many numbers unaccounted for whether it be due to lag in data from hospitals or people dying at home without being reported. Recently the FDA approved of the first coronavirus antibodies test in the United States to find out who has developed immunity to the virus. However, research needs to be done on how the results will impact our lives. In addition, a tiger at the Bronx Zoo has been infected by the coronavirus which provides the question as to if other animals including pets can be infected and spread the virus to humans. 

What is it like working from home?
Working from home feels more like independent learning. Although the teachers assign us classwork it is very different from a normal day at school. Usually our school day consists of nine periods but for remote learning we run on a 3-day cycle with each day consisting of three 75 minute periods. I personally find the schedule pretty flexible especially with 45 minute breaks between each class. For some subjects students are assigned lessons, notes and questions to work on while teachers dedicate class time to answering questions on google classroom. Other subjects prefer to conduct a video call lesson using Zoom so they can see how everyone is doing during this time. For the past two weeks we were using Zoom Video Conferencing to communicate and hold classes with our teachers. However with the security issues surrounding Zoom, the DOE has decided to ban the usage of Zoom in order to keep students and their information safe. I’m looking forward to seeing the platform our school plans to use in the future.  

Your own personal feelings and thoughts about what is happening right now.
Personally this whole situation with the coronavirus puts a damper on senior year. There was so much to look forward to between graduation, prom, and deciding on which college to attend. After being informed of my acceptances into different colleges I can’t physically visit them to conduct a final vibe check. The colleges are planning online information sessions and virtual tours during this tough time but it doesn’t make deciding any easier for me. I continue to wonder if we will still be in quarantine by the time September rolls around. Will I be taking online classes from home for my first semester in college? Is it worth paying an expensive tuition for a university if I can take online classes at a more affordable school? If I decide to attend a college due to the resources they have on campus, how far into college will I be able to utilize those resources let alone set foot on campus? There are many more questions I have to consider as I struggle to make a decision before May 1st.
Today, I was supposed to be spending my third day in South Korea but obviously I am sitting at home doing online classes unable to go outside. It is quite a sad situation however, I believe I am taking it better than if someone else was in my position. Especially since I don’t feel like I’m losing my sanity when entering the fourth week of quarantine. This is probably due to the fact I am more of the introverted type who doesn’t mind a limited social life or staying home because there are many activities to fill my time. This year I decided to record my days in a bullet journal which can take a lot of time to draw monthly and weekly spreads. In addition, I started painting pictures and attempting to sew a homemade facemask. Another reason for keeping my sanity could be due to the fact I am living with my parents and sister since human interaction and conversation is what helps keep your brain thinking and active. 
Although I am disappointed with how the end of senior year is turning out, there is no reason for me to feel sorry for myself when there are many people suffering from the coronavirus. I give credit and thanks to all the healthcare workers and volunteers who are on the frontlines helping people with the virus. However, I would also like to thank all the essential workers who still have to travel between home and work. They are risking their lives and health to provide food, supplies and utility services. Some people are even being sequestered away from home for weeks to continue working for their jobs. It's sad that the situation has come this far. I don’t think anyone imagined 2020 would consist of us being locked indoors living in fear of getting infected and dying alone. With that being said, be sure to stay home unless you absolutely have to go outside for something. Remember to stay hygenic by washing your hands and not touching your face. Also don’t forget to wear a face mask when going outside. Stay Safe Everyone!

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