Thursday, April 30, 2020

Christy Ng 4/29/20 Period 2 - Blog #3

Christy Ng
Period 2
Modern Mythology 2020
What are the updates around the world/community regarding the virus?
As of today, the world has over 3 million cases, over 200 thousand deceased, and nearly a million recovered from COVID-19. The US has recently hit over 1 million cases, with 60 thousand deaths, giving us a death rate of 5.66%. In New York, we have 300 thousand cases and 23 thousand deaths, and a death rate of 7.66%. In NYC alone, we have nearly as many cases as some of the European countries with the most cases: 160 thousand cases. Although these numbers seem scary, NY seems to be on a decline and pass the apex of infections, with the number of new cases and deaths dropping by the day. After what seems like forever in quarantine, things are looking a bit up. Unfortunately, there are talks of a high possibility of there being a second wave of the virus in the future, which means coronavirus is likely here to stay until we have a vaccine. 
What are you learning about your world/community based on reactions?
I am learning that these situations bring out the worst and the best in people. On one hand, there are some people acting completely inappropriately. For example, some people are displaying discriminatory behavior against Chinese people, calling coronavirus the “Chinese virus” and mistreating Chinese people due to this pandemic. The virus seems to open a gateway to racism since so many people are afraid and thus act out in inappropriate or offensive ways. In addition, there are people who take this situation as an opportunity to spread fear and hostility. There are some people making threats to infect other people and some people who are infected and knowingly contaminate objects outside instead of self isolating to prevent the spread of disease. But during these crazy times, there are also people who show their best. Health care workers and essential workers continue working in order to help many normal civilians get their needs. While they can most definitely take off from work due to fear of infection, they continue to work to help society get back on its feet. In addition, many people are doing charity work for coronavirus relief and there are so many cases of people helping each other out at this time. We see corporations from all over the world helping each other out and donating masks, tests, and all kinds of essentials to the places that need it most. For example, California has lent many ventilators to New York when we needed them the most. The event has really shown that we can all cooperate and help each other out. 
Your personal feelings and thoughts about what is happening right now. 
While I believe this situation is unfortunate, it can’t be helped. At first, I had trouble accepting this was the reality now, but after I did, I felt much better. I am fortunate enough that my family is fine during these times and we are doing well in quarantine. I feel like these times can be really difficult and negative, but everyday I cling onto the hope that one day we will return back to normalcy and we can enjoy our everyday lives once again. It’s been a little bit difficult to stay on top of school work because I feel like it is hard to get motivated while being stuck at home. Being stuck at home makes me miss our normal lives the most. I miss being able to go out with friends and freely go outside. Overall, I can’t wait for this all to be over, but I have already accepted the fact that it will be a while before everything will be back to normal. 

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