Tuesday, April 28, 2020

4/27/20 Alan Peysakhov Period 8

Modern Mythology 2020
Alan Peysakhov 
Blog 4/27/20

What is it like working from home?
Working from home was definitely a strange shift for me. I went from having a set 8-2 schedule to a more open schedule in which I have to correctly manage the assignments and tasks that I must complete. Some classes are also more difficult from home. A good example of this would be calculus as the teacher is not with us to be able to teach. However, it had little effect on some of the other classes because they already incorporated a large usage of online learning. Overall I feel like the shift has been mostly positive with a few minor struggles that have been minimized over time.

What are you learning about the world/community based on the reactions?
        I’m learning that we have an amazing group of first responders in our communities. They are selfless in fighting this virus for us and put themselves at risk. This has showed me how important people are to the well-being of communities and how first responders are largely under appreciated. We all just need too take a minute and think about what these people are being asked to do. While we’re at home playing our parts in social distancing they are actually out there helping cure and bring people back to their families while putting themselves in danger.

Your own personal feelings and thoughts about what is happening right now.

I believe that the corona virus is a very serious issue and we must for sure stay at home and social distance. However, I found it a little scary how fast we were in giving power to the government. They closed the entire country down in very quick fashion and we obviously allowed it to happen based on the severity of the situation. I feel like moving forward we should be cautious of the power we give to the government. I hope that after they’ve just had so much power they don’t get the feeling that they can control us in any situation. The lives that have been lost are absolutely awful and would have been even worse if we didn't social distance. This was obviously necessary but I hope we don’t get use to giving up our freedoms this easily again.

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