Wednesday, April 1, 2020

4/1/20 Nouraldeen Ibrahim PD 5

Nouraldeen Ibrahim
Period 5
Blogger #11

How is what you’re learning applied to any other classes/the world around you?

1984 sheds lights on many invaluable things in current day society and in the past. First of all, it connects to what we were learning in our AP world class about the U.S.S.R. 1984 displays a dystopian society that is allegorical to Soviet Russia. Big Brother holds a very similar role as Joseph Stalin who both used propaganda to inflate their status and ideas. The thought police is very similar to the great purges that happened under Stalin. Any person who defied communism or Stalin's political power was killed or arrested. Similarly, in 1984 the thought police watched over everyone on surveillance cameras and made sure no one composed anti-Party thoughts. This also relates to the world around me, but to a lesser extent. Media and News hold very significant power in pulling people to believe certain things and hold opinions. Many citizens rely on news sources for all their information, and do not question what they hear as long as it is from a political figure they admire. This holds true in 1984 since people blindly follow the Party and support Big Brother. Once they believe "2+2=4", much of the truth will begin to uncover. 

What is it like working from home? 

I feel like working from home is proving to be a change that might last even after this pandemic. Once teachers start getting used to technology, or are forced to, working from home will be much more efficient than working in school. Although you lack crucial things such as face to face interactions, Zoom calls almost perform the same thing. However, things such as hands on learning will be hard to replicate at home. Still, working from home has many advantages that might influence its future. For example, the worry of commuting is no longer a problem. Not only is it easier for people to get to class on time and have a great sleep schedule, reduced cars in the environment will be fantastic. Specifically, I find the schools R.E.M.O.T.E learning plan great and effective. Having 3 classes a day helps the students focus their attention on specific subjects rather than splitting their attention across classes during a normal school day. Also, students are most likely less stressed since they don't have to go to 9 classes straight with four minute intermissions. With this schedule, we have 45 minute breaks between classes and we still end earlier than a normal school day. Working from home also creates time to spend with family that is usually hindered during school days. Making time for exercise is also very easy after the remote learning change. I do feel that if remote learning was to be permanent, there would be more than 3 classes per day. Just as david said in his blog, the three day wait between classes opens up a possibility for students to forget. This means that there should be more classes per day so you have classes more often and not forget. Still, I do believe that teachers are doing a great job creating enrichment activities to combat this issue and to keep students engaged. For example, Mrs.Fusaro's Weekly Thread creates engagement between students and prompts critical thinking. You are able to answer the questions on the lessons deeply which is usually more rushed during class. We are also able to reply to students comments in this thread which is helpful to understand other opinions. Overall, I feel like remote learning still has progress to make, but is outstanding under the minuscule preparation time.

Your own personal feelings and thoughts about what is happening right now.

I feel amazed and surprised about what is happening right now. I would have never guessed the Friday before school closed that I wouldn't return until at least mid April. I thought the situation would become milder and milder. I was looking forward to continuing things such as my SERP project in school but I was surprised to see the announcement for schools to be closed. When looking back, I am grateful for this decision as I see the current state of coronavirus. Hospitals are overflowed and supplies are running low. This shows that social distancing and canceling of mass gatherings is more important than ever. As a student who is interested in health care, I am truly thankful for all the health workers who sacrifice their own health for the well being of others. If schools had not closed, this situation would have rose to a whole different level, considering its already major effect in New York. I wonder how the world will change after this pandemic and how organizations will respond to the current situation. For example, The College Board made a very swift decision to create at home AP exams <>. I personally feel like the current situation is something out of a movie (by the way check out the movie contagion, you won't regret it). As I saw all the events I planned to go to being canceled I realized the scale of this occurrence. Many of my plans for future have been swayed to a different direction and I am exploring ways to combat this. Overall, this pandemic is something we were not prepared for as a society. Thus, I hope people could learn from this experience to invest more in Medical research and hospitals.

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