Thursday, March 26, 2020

Jolene Chan 3/26/20 Period 2 - Blog #3

Modern Mythology 
Jolene Chan

Updates around the world / community regarding Covid-19
  • As of 3/26/20, the total number of cases worldwide is 491,623. The total number of cases in New York City is 20,011 and the total number of cases in New York State is 33,033. 12% of those tested positive in New York state are currently hospitalized, and 3% of those positive are in the ICU.
  • One of the greatest challenges in the healthcare system in New York right now is the need for 30,000 ventilators. While the defense production act is causing more ventilators to be produced, it is not being brought to New York quickly enough. Companies like Soft Bank and Estee Lauder have stepped up in donating N-95 masks and hand sanitizers to New York hospitals. Most recently, there has been a surge of 40,000 more healthcare workers. 
  • Last night, the Senate unanimously passed an economic stimulus bill which includes a one-time payment of $1,200 for people who make $75K or less with the one-time payment lessening based on income. The bill also loans money to businesses, local governments, and hospitals. This morning, 3.28 million people filed for unemployment which is the highest since 1982.
What is it like working from home?
          Working at home has been pretty fun. We have 3 periods a day lasting 75 minutes each with 45 minute breaks in between. With the breaks and also a later starting time since I don't have to commute, I have been able to get more sleep. Classes like mythology and my government class mainly use google classroom as a means to give us our assignments. For BC calc and AP chemistry, we have started to use Zoom. The biggest challenge in that is having to sit through 2 hours and 30 minutes of chemistry, attempting to not fall asleep or get lost in that long period of teaching. With working at home, I feel like a lot of students are less stressed because of the flexibility in our schedules. The flexibility has also granted us with more free time so I have been baking a lot during this quarantine.
          I have also been working from home with my sister who has had to come back from college early and my brother who is in middle school. All 3 of us have adapted to online learning fairly quickly. My mom, however, is a kindergarten teacher who now has to teach her kids online. Thus, I have spent a good chunk of my days teaching her how to use google classroom and drive.
My thoughts and feelings about what is happening right now
          A lot of what is going on right now is unknown. Whether we can go back to school and have our prom and graduation is a question we don't know the answers to yet and it is sad thinking that March 13th could have been our last day as seniors in the school. It is also scary how much of our daily lives has had to change because of this virus. The school education system has taken a full 180 in such a short amount of time that it truly amazes me. It has also made me realize how ahead Staten Island Tech is in terms of implementing technology and how much that eased our transition to going completely online. It also shows how technology has and will continue to play a big role in the education system and now hopefully more teachers could continue to use it in their daily lessons. Personally, the virus has also taught me how grateful I should be since I have a laptop at home and the required necessities to be ok in quarantine while millions of others do not. It showed me how I sometimes take advantage of the technology and resources I have access to on a day to day basis. It is scary knowing that the virus is spreading so fast but as long as we all do our part to flatten the curve by staying home, the spread should hopefully slow down soon.

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