Tuesday, March 31, 2020

3/31/20 Jayden Huang PD 5

Jayden Huang
Period 5
Blogger #10

What are you learning about your world based on the reactions?

Based on the reactions to this pandemic, I have learned that trouble brings out the best or the worst in people. We've all seen the viral videos of people trying to hoard toilet paper, or trying to raise the prices of ordinary items to try to make a quick buck. In addition to the hoarding and the price gouging, we see how little people can care about spreading the virus. I've seen videos of beaches packed with people, who seem to have little regard about possibly spreading the virus to someone at risk. While many bad things like this have happened, this pandemic has also brought out the best of people. Due to the dire need of hospital beds to care for the infected, people have banded together to form emergency hospitals, like in the Javits Center. (https://archpaper.com/2020/03/new-york-javits-center-coronavirus-emergency-hospital/) We can also learn from this pandemic how companies are treating not only their customers, but their workers. Right here in Staten Island, an Amazon worker was fired for leading a strike for more coronavirus protection. (https://www.cnbc.com/2020/03/30/amazon-fires-staten-island-coronavirus-strike-leader-chris-smalls.html) Luckily, there are still many examples of companies doing good, as seen in this article: https://justcapital.com/news/capitalism-meets-coronavirus-how-companies-are-responding/

What is it like working from home?

Working from home is extremely relaxed. I can complete my work at my own pace, with no stressful deadlines. I get to sleep for much longer, and I don't have to commute, which is definitely one of, if not the best, parts. I can use anything I need to better understand the material, whether it be the Internet, or discussing it with a friend. Due to its relaxed-nature, I feel like I get distracted much more easily than if I were in an actual classroom. Sometimes, during a class, I get distracted chatting with a friend, or watching a video, making it more difficult to retain information. Also, the three-day cycles, while they make it easier as a whole, make specific classes more difficult. In classes where you have to remember previous information, like in Russian, the three-day gap between classes makes it more difficult. Staying at home has been pretty monotonous, and the work I've been receiving helps to keep me engaged.

Write about your thoughts regarding the reading.

 This section of the reading has shown me just how deep the enforcement of Ingsoc is in Oceania. I thought that Mr. Charrington's shop was just an ordinary shop, run by an old man. Instead, it turns out it was a trap for heretics, and Mr. Charrington is a member of the Thought Police. This turn of events took me completely off guard, especially after the long excerpt of Goldstein's "The Theory and Practice of Oligarchical Collectivism". In addition, we get to see how much control the Party has over its citizens' minds. Memories of Winston's childhood had been buried within his subconscious, not remembering it until he dreamt it. The Party has been able to manipulate people and suppress their emotion to the point where the citizens become lifeless shells, believing anything they hear. The reading also shows the strong connection between Winston and Julia, who both knew they would likely be caught renting Mr. Charrington's room, but stayed because of their love.

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