Monday, February 10, 2020

Tracy Liang 2/10/20 Period 2 - Blog #2

Modern Mythology 2020
  • 2/10/20
  • Tracy Liang period 2
  • Aim: How does Gardner’s characterization and employment of flashback illustrate and develop Grendel’s hatred of men in his novel, Grendel?
  • Notes for the day:
    • Partner Silent Write Now:
      • At the end of chapter 3, Grendel describes himself as a “ridiculous hairy creature torn apart by poetry.” He goes on to say that: “I gnashed my teeth and clutched the sides of my head as if to heal the split, but I couldn’t.”
      • How and why is Grendel “torn apart my poetry”? Identify “the split” to which Grendel refers. Use evidence from the text in your response.
        • Nobody understands Grendel while everyone understands the Shaper who plays the harp. Everyone is in awe by his playing and his words. Everyone understands his words while nobody actually understands Grendel.
        • Grendel can’t decide between what’s right and wrong. 
        • Grendel is  torn because he knew the truth because he lived for a long time. He knows what the past people really did and how they twisted history and how people believe it now.
        • Humans are pillaging each other and they do KNOW the truth. However, they just choose to ignore the truth and believe the Shaper’s words.
        • Grendel loves the singing and playing of the Shaper and he wants to believe it but he also is suspicious of his words because he has seen what actually happened and is split because of that.
        • Ms. Fusaro compares Grendel to what we learned in the past, “In 1492, Columbus sailed the ocean blue…” But we didn’t learn of his rapings when we were young or the pillaging until later. Columbus tried to “evaporate” the Native Americans by popping pus of smallpox and putting it in blankets and giving them as gifts to Native Americans. This is the real truth of history, something not a lot of us learned. 
      • Continued… Why do we lie?
        • Because it makes us feel good, protect our innocence, legacy: history written by the winners.
        • Use songs that gloss over reality to help us survive. 
    • Zodiac Slide:
    • The author aligned each chapter to each zodiac. Aligns with different characters of each zodiac sign. 
    • Ms. Fusaro tells us to search our zodiac signs/traits.
      • People have always looked to the stars for answers. Seek answers to things we have no control over.
      • Aries: reckless, insecure, competitive, courageous. Taurus: stubborn, patience. Gemini: routine, like music and books, duality. Cancer: suspicious, loyal, loyal, imaginative. Leo: creative, strong, arrogant, self-centered. Virgo: loyal, hard working, shy, worrisome. Libra: diplomatic, indecisive, shallow, balance. Scorpio: passionate, leaders, violent. Sagittarius: generous, idealistic, humorous, impatient. Capricorn: responsible and unforgiving. Aquarius: sarcastic, rebellious. Pisces: compassionate, wise, sad.
  • Author’s Craft: How does the use of the name “Shaper” instead of “Scop” contribute to the illustration of this character’s role and its effect on men and Grendel?

    • They mean the same thing, just different languages. He can shape and change history/reality to whatever he wants. His blindness represents society’s blindness to bad events. Society only sees good events.
  • Student reflection of the day's lesson: 
    • I learned in today's lesson how Grendel related to us as people. Even though nobody understands him, he's still the one who questions everything. He questions the real truth and is confused when people blatantly lie and when other people believe those lies. In addition, people usually listen to lies and believe them because they sound good. This is how people continue, believing lies to get past the reality of society. I also learned how the author actually used the zodiac signs in each chapter which I thought was interesting. For instance, our readings were related to the Gemini sign which symbolized a split or dual personality. I learned how Grendel is split too between the beautiful poetry sung by the Shaper which are actually lies and what he has seen himself which is the truth. He doesn't know which one to believe and is surprised how people do know the truth but choose to ignore it. When Ms. Fusaro compared what we are learning now to what we learned in the past, I realized how much more Grendel related to us. When we were young, we learned a twisted version of the truth or the better version of the truth such as Columbus finding America while the story of the deliberate spread of smallpox was mostly hidden. We usually get another version of the truth and a question we asked in class was why do people lie? The lesson gave me a deeper insight on what we learned before such as blindness to the truth in Oedipus. We naturally want to be remembered in a positive way and the truth is always written by the winners. Therefore, the story may not be completely accurate or just one-sided. I will use what I learned to be a better person so I can be remembered favorably. I will also use this as a precaution that not all stories and poems are true.

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