Friday, November 8, 2019

10/8/19 Michelle Zhang Period 6

NOVEMBER 8, 2019

How does an analysis of Macbeth’s soliloquy demonstrate that he is a round and dynamic character with many layers?

1. Lady Macbeth’s soliloquy check in

2. Read the remainder of Act I, Scene V (after Macbeth walks in) and Scene VI, to be completed after reading Lady Macbeth’s “Come You Spirits” soliloquy

1. When does King Duncan plan on visiting and departing Inverness (Macbeth’s estate)?
King Duncan plans on visiting and departing Inverness for only one night.

2. Explain Lady Macbeth’s intentions and plan when she states about King Duncan: “O, never / Shall sun that morrow see!”
Lady Macbeth’s intentions are evil. She wants her husband to become king and she will even kill King Duncan to make it happen. 

3. Explain Lady Macbeth’s figurative language when she explains: “Look like th’innocent flower, / But be the serpent under’t.”  What is the meaning? What is the biblical allusion?  
Lady Macbeth’s figurative language is referring to the biblical allusion to the snake (the Devil). She wants her husband to act innocent and doesn’t know what they are planning on the outside and hide his emotions. This is related to Satan because when he was trying to deceive Adam and Eve, he acted all nice on the outside, while his intentions were evil on the inside.

4. How does Lady Macbeth’s statement compare with King Duncan’s from scene IV: “There’s no art / To find the mind’s construction in the face”?
Lady Macbeth is telling Macbeth to hide his emotions and to not show them through his face. She doesn’t want him to expose himself by putting his thoughts through his facial expressions. 

5. What commentary are Banquo and King Duncan making about the atmosphere of the castle?  What mood does this create?   How does it compare and/or contrast to the knowledge of the audience?
The atmosphere is nice because the scene states that there is a nice smell and good air. So Banquo and King Duncan feel welcomed in the castle. This creates a calm mood for the audience and also one of suspense. That is because even though everything looks pretty on the outside, we know that King Duncan is actually walking to his death because of Lady Macbeth’s plan to kill him.

6. Explain the culture of xenia as demonstrated between Lady Macbeth and King Duncan? 
 Xenia is hospitality and welcoming those inside your house. Lady Macbeth is shown as a nice person on the outside because she’s showing a warm welcoming to the castle. However, on the inside, she’s planning to kill Duncan.

Round characters: characters who are multi-dimensional and are usually the protagonist. They tend to be more developed physically, mentally, and emotionally and are detailed enough to seem real.

Flat characters: characters who are one sided and less developed. They tend to be minor characters who are stock characters, such as the stereotypical air head, tough guy, class clown, etc.

Dynamic characters: characters who go through a significant change during the course of the story. Changes include ones of insight, understanding, commitment or in values. The protagonist is usually a dynamic character.

Static Characters: characters who do not change in the story. They remain stable through the course of the story 


Read Watch Listen: Act I, Scene VII “If It Were Done”

1. What is being revealed in each divided section of the soliloquy?
The divided sections of the soliloquy reveal the personalities of the different characters and what kind of character type they are.

2. What character type(s) does Macbeth fit?
Macbeth is a flat character because he is not very devolved. We do not fully understand what his point of view is or what his thoughts and intentions actually are. Also we do not know whether or not he is a dynamic or static character yet, we will find out as we continue to read.

3. Who depicts more umbrage, Macbeth or Lady Macbeth? Justify.
Lady Macbeth definitely depicts more umbrage compared to Macbeth. Once she finds out from her husband that he is going to be king, she immediately decides that she will do anything to make sure he gets that position. She begins to plot King Duncan’s death. From that we can tell that she shows more madness and fury.

Today I learned the different character types and how it can be shown and developed throughout the text. Round characters are ones that are detailed and show who they really are. On the other hand, flat characters are less developed and we can’t say much about. Characters can also be dynamic which means that they develop and change over the course of the text. There are also static characters which means that they remain the same throughout the text. We learned this because we analyzed Lady Macbeth’s soliloquy and had more understanding about her character and personality. This is important because we will understand her role in the text and those of other characters as well. Understanding different character types is important because it gives us insight on the text itself. Also it helps us to focus on the basic features of a text, the characters. I will continue to use what I have learned to analyze the characters throughout the text and understand them more. 

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