Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Ying Dan Lin Period 2 10/30/19 - Blog #1

10/30/19 Ying Dan Lin PD 2

Aim: How do fairy tales juxtaposed against ancient tales highlight the evolution of language, as well as the classic theme of love conquering all?

Do Later: 
What does it take to really love someone? (It can be romantic, filial, pets, whatever you love hard)

 We started class off with a vocabulary quiz followed by Ms. Fusaro speaking to us about a possible trip to experience folklore being passed down in action and have a full course meal at a notably haunted inn. After that we went on to do the do later. There were many interesting points and perspectives brought up in the class discussion. Most people agreed that loving someone meant being tolerant, accepting, and understanding towards them. It meant being able to let them go and wanting what was best for them even if it wasn't easy for you. Some people brought up the point that sometimes it is difficult to recognize because there is a difference in loving something and only being in love with the idea of something. Selena connected the do later back to our homework reading and mentioned that "love cannot live where there is no trust". In contrast to all these ideas being discussed, the topic of abusive relationships and addiction was brought up. Ms. Fusaro explained to us that the word addiction always has a bad connotation and that it was obsession in a very unhealthy way so it shouldn't be compared to love.

Psyche: human soul, mind or spirit
Zephyr: gentle, light breeze

Examination of Language: Is there power in language?
As a class, we talked about the significance of language and how it overlaps so many other aspects of life. The understanding of language and connotations of certain words are different throughout different cultures. Certain words have more emotional attachment so they are more moving when they are used. The concepts and cultural importance associated with certain words determine the importance of the message. Language is important for communication and with communication comes power. The bible story of the Tower of Babylon was mentioned to describe how language was a part of identity and also united different groups of people. Music was also mentioned as another form of language that was universal which meant many, even those outside of our species, can form a connection to. 
Ms. Fusaro mentions how language comes in so many different forms, such as body language and cultural language, and is very integrated into our daily lives. Language is powerful because it is the one ability that allows us to find freedom.

Grimm's "Cinderella" VS Cupid and Psyche
We read Grimm's "Cinderella" and compared it to the story of Cupid and Psyche. We didn't really get a chance to discuss as a class but Ms. Fusaro mentioned that Cupid and Psyche was a myth that portrayed women differently. Previous myths we had looked at had women who were disempowered. In these two stories, the young women are shown as good people and are able to harness the power of nature to aid them. 

Why did I learn what I did today?
Our lesson today was to look at how the theme of love conquers everything seems to be a timeless concept. It is portrayed in ancient Greek mythology and continues to be embodied by fairy tales that are still popularly told today. Today's lesson also brings to light a difference in how women were being portrayed when it came to love. Our lesson aims to help us think deeply about certain concepts that are influencing us daily and bring awareness to the importance of love and language.

How will I use what I learned? 
I can take what I learned today and apply it to my life. Today we talked about what it takes to love someone and how language is power. Today's lesson helped me realize and appreciate our human ability to communicate because without it, we wouldn't be as advanced as we are today. We mentioned in previous lessons that language and metacognition were two very important qualities that allowed humankind to develop as we did. It really puts into perspective everything that had to be in place for humans to reach our point today. 

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