Sunday, October 20, 2019

Julia O’Hara Period 5 10/15/19

10/15/19 Julia O’Hara Period 5 Blogger #19
Sophomores 2020

Today Ms. Fusaro was absent so we had Ms. Peterson as a substitute.
            In our groups, we worked on our Lord of the Flies Island Projects. My group continued working on our project and discussing in further details about what we are going to do for our project. 
            My project: My group chose the second option, which is the story with one or more characters going through each part of the island. Our island is candy themed. Our different sections of the island include the Chocolate Waterfall, Sugar Beach, Lollipop Forest, Jellybean Mountain, and Black Licorice Cave. We have created five characters, William, Benjamin, Jimmy, Elenora, and Felicia. One person in our group is responsible for writing the story for each section of the island and it is written in the point of view of a specific character. For example, I am writing about Sugar Beach and it is from Benjamins point of view. During this period, Nataly and Julie worked on designing the map of the island while Michelle, Josh, and I worked on our parts of the writing. 
            In today’s lesson I learned how to work and collaborate with my team in a more organized matter. This is because we were able to quickly and efficiently dive deeper into our project. I will use this in my everyday life when working for other projects in other classes and even when I am older and have to work with people at my job.
    Reflecting upon the project, I enjoy having projects like these because they give you a lot of creative freedom. I feel like this project really allowed us to be creative and it helped us think more in depth about Lord of the Flies. Even though I do not enjoy working on art (such as drawings) I really did enjoy having a creative project just like this one. However, the project did impose some challenges. My group found it difficult that we had to each write a part of the story by combining our ideas. It really taught me how to work with a group of people to create something by also having to incorporate other peoples ideas.

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