Wednesday, October 23, 2019

10/21/19 (Late) Georgiy Mamchyn PD 7

October 21, 2019 PD 7 
Guest of the Day: Dr.Davis
How did the Universe begin? Big Bang theory 
 What are we made of? Organic Molecules Since light takes time to get here the further we
look the further in time we see. Fun Fact:  Illinois has very little light pollution for us to see the
Milky Way • If the aliens looks at us from their planets they wouldn’t see the present day earth
due to the large distance between us. • An effort to explain what happened at the very
beginning of our universe sprang into existence around 14 billion years ago • It’s arrogant to
think that out of millimeters of planets and thousands of galaxies we are the only planet with
life on it. • Universe is like a balloon it’s always expanding if you draw something on the ballon
and pump it with air the balloon will expand and everything will move away. 
BigBang Theory: 1. Why butterfly shape. We haven’t looked there yet • We can’t see in
specific spots so not the whole map is mapped • The reason for that is because we cant
see in every direction form the Earth How do we know how thick the noise is? We measure
the energy of the noise. Singularity Gravity infinite + finite matter = infinite density Big Band
Theory Sir Fred Hoyle • An English astronomer • Steady state theory • The theory of
stellar nucleosynthesis Edwin Hubble:: By examining the light emitted from neighboring
galaxies and making detailed observations of an electromagnetic property • red shift
Hubble showed that other galaxies appeared to be accelerating away from the Milky Way 
Will the universe ever stop expanding? no answer ⿞ What will happen if the universe will
stop expanding? No answer
Cosmic microwave background: The cosmic microwave background is ancient radiation
leftover from a time roughly 380k • NucelosynthesisElements heavier then helium are
formed from nuclear reactions in the stars Where did we come from? About 4 billions ears ago
from radiocarbon dating • Need to be able to dissolve something, so water is one of the bets •
Water has to be not frozen from being too far from the sun • Water cant be evaporating from
being too close to the sun • 
How do we get from basic proteins to us? Small molecules to make larger molecules •
Chemical changes are slow without a catalyst • Autocatalytic Sets: a + b — c + X, catalyzed by Y • c + b — a + Y, catalyzed by X • 

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