Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Nicholas Hong May 15 2019

Aim: How does the "noting" motif emphasize the psychological and literary purpose of the masquerade?

I found the do now of this lesson particularly interesting. For it we had to take a choose a person in the class and write a compliment to them anonymously on a piece of paper. Each person then was given the paper with the compliment to them. After reading our papers Ms. Fusaro then asked us if we would have ever walked up to the person we complimented anonymously and compliment them face to face. Multiple people said that they wouldn't have, to which the teacher explained that people wouldn't usually do something like that because opening up to people exposes vulnerability within us, and that people are afraid of being vulnerable.

We were also asked how it felt to be complimented anonymously, to which someone said that it was a little frustrating not knowing who complimented them and not being able to thank them.

This ties into the book because in act 2 scene 1 during the masquerade Don Pedro took the opportunity to "woo" hero for Claudio under the guise of someone else wearing a mask.

Another scene that ties in with today's do now is when Benedick talks to Beatrice while wearing a mask, where Beatrice tells him, without knowing it is him, how she truly feels about him, saying  that he is a fool that lies to people and gets taken advantage of by others, and overall referring to him as a dishonorable man.

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