Monday, April 29, 2019

Sean Fisherman 7-8 4/29/19

Aim: What value does society place on "honor"?

Today we begin "Much Ado About Nothing".

Do Now: Respond to the following questions on a scale from 1-5-- (1-Strongly Disagree -- 5-Strongly Agree)

1. Honor can never be recovered once it has been lost. 3 (I was 50/50 on this one, because while it can be recovered, a stain will remain on your reputation)
2. Women have a more difficult time maintaining honor. 2 (I don't feel so strongly for this one as both women and men are obligated to many customs by society that can result in loss of reputation if broken, but women are, in my opinion, obligated to more of these standards.)
3. Every person wants to be loved. 4 (I agree with this statement because while everyone wants to be loved in different ways, whether it be by others or themselves, the motivation for many acts is still the underlying need for recognition and acceptance.)
4. Some people are just born into circumstances that will make them at a greater disadvantage in society. 3 (I could have went either way for this one, but I feel that it all depends upon how you use your environments to your advantage.)
5. People who speak and behave foolishly should be ignored. 4 (With repetition, those who speak and behave foolishly will simply be written off as crazy.)

FINAL PROJECT: MARKETING A USELESS PRODUCT. Mrs. Fusaro has given us the rest of the period to brainstorm for this project, in which we will present a ten minute infomercial to the class marketing a useless product. In a moment of pure and utter brilliance, Artem says: "An alarm that rings at random times at night."

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