Build Your Own Vampire Project
Objective: The goal of this project is for your team to create the rules and attributes of your own vampire universe. While creativity is necessary, research is actually the focal point. The caveat is that your vampire universe must be based on research your team completes about stories associated with vampires from any point in time, history, folklore, or fiction. Team Name: Bleh, Bleh, BlehClass Period: 5Team Members: Gayane Gevorkyan, Michelle Wong, Ashley Yim, Elena Wu, Xin Yi Wang, Mitchell Ruan Student Blogger Email: Vampire’s Ethnicity: (Mitchell) - French and British, Name: Hunter Ainsley
Justification: During the 18th century, Southeastern Europe and Transylvania tales and folklore of vampires began to spread and soon spread into England and Germany. The spread of this myth caused mass panic and there were plenty of “vampire encounters” experienced during these times. There were many superstitions around the vampires due to the village areas spreading these reports and what they did to the undead, which was digging them up from the graves and sometimes staking them… Our vampire was turned by a British vampire but raised with another vampire that fell in love with the British parent whose origin is from France. They decided to raise a child a few years after falling in love and decided to take a human child from their parents for themselves and began to raise this child mentally for this vampire change. Citation: “Vampire Folklore by Region.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 4 Apr. 2019, (’s Abilities: (Gayane) - Mind Compulsion
- Super strength, speed, and senses
- Turn into a Bat (have all abilities of bats)
Justification: Our vampire will be able to use mind compulsion to convince people of thoughts, create false beliefs or memories to help conceal the truth from the human world. He will also acquire all the superhuman abilities most vampire stories suggest vampires have. Those include supernatural strength, and speed to a point where it seems almost like teleportation.
His senses will also be heightened. He is able to hear at long distances and still be able to discern what the speaker is saying. Lastly, he will be able to, in true Dracula form, turn into a bat and with that have all the abilities bats have, such as flying and being able to navigate through the dark. Citations: Editors, “Vampire History.”, A&E Television Networks, 13 Sept. 2017, ( “List of Vampire Powers and Abilities in Fiction.” Narik Chase, 24 Oct. 2017, ( “Vampire.” Hotel Transylvania Wiki, ( Vampire’s Weakness(es): (Xin Yi) - Holy/Blessed Items
- Silver
- Direct Sunlight
- Fire
Justification: Vampires are usually referred to as damned or soulless due to how they were created and their lifestyles after their creation. Due to this, items considered to be holy in the Christian faith are often used for protection against a vampire. As such things like silver, symbolic of “incorruptible” purity, serve as protection against vampires as they can’t be reflected upon the metal and are weakened by it. Mirrors, specifically those crafted in older periods, are also said to be unable to reflect vampires due to their silver backing. Fire, symbolic of cleansing and renewal in many cultures, is also capable of killing vampires. Direct sunlight, similarly to fire, is also capable of weakening a vampire although not to as large of an effect. Citations: Harris, Tom. “How Vampires Work.” HowStuffWorks Science, HowStuffWorks, 8 Mar. 2018, ( “What Don't Vampires Like?” Gods And Monsters - Ancient to Modern Mythology, ( Admin. “Metal Symbolism.” Ancient Symbols, ( Remington, Xavier. “Why Do Vampires Burst Into Flames In Sunlight?” Ask Mystic Investigations, 12 Aug. 2017, ( Vampire’s Reproduction: (Elena) - Reproduce by transferring the ‘reproductive bacteria’ often through biting
Justification: Given that vampires are technically dead, they cannot perform regular human functions like reproduction. Nonetheless, every species must be able to reproduce and continue their lineage, the vampires do that by spreading their bacteria and infecting other people, thereby turning them. However, there have been myths of vampires mating with humans, so if he so chooses he can have a child with a human female called a hybrid. Hybrids do not possess the curse of immortality and are in fact closer to their human nature. Citations: “Vampire Offspring.” Gods And Monsters - Ancient to Modern Mythology, ( Silver, Marc. “Vampire-Human Offspring of Folklore Offer Insights into the Hybrid Baby of 'Breaking Dawn'.” National Geographic Society Newsroom, 14 Dec. 2017, ( Vampire’s Camouflage: (Ashley)- Blend into the crowd
- ‘Glamour’ people (compulsion)
Justification: Throughout history, people have always wondered about a vampire’s ability to camouflage. They often believed that real vampires can turn to bats because they are similar in the sense that they both drink blood and thrive in the dark. However, our version of a vampire cannot shapeshift. Instead, he blends into the busy crowds and pretends to be a human. He does what he likes and no one will suspect him because he is able to control their minds. He looks deep into their eyes and can alter or remove certain memories, new false realities. This ability is necessary for a vampire to survive. Citation: Vampire Powers, ( “Vampire.” The Vampire Diaries Wiki, ( Vampire’s Home: (Ashley)- Our vampire originated from a small village in Highgates, London. He now lives near Oxford city.
Justification: Highgates was known for its mysterious and gothic cemetery. The first known sighting of a vampire was in 1963 when a couple encountered a 7 to 8 feet tall dark figure. Soon after, more and more vampire sightings began to emerge. It is said that he was awakened by modern Satanists. Declan Walsh, a witness, claimed that this figure glides and make no sound. “He wore a long black coat and a top hat… looked Victorian and appeared all black.” In addition, a movie, Taste the Blood of Dracula, was partly filmed here in the Highgates Cemetery. Our vampire now lives in Oxford to escape from hunters. Oxford draws attention for its famous University and cool attractions. Every year 7 million tourists visit making it easy for our vampire to blend into the crowd. He lives in a decent middle-class apartment and has gathered money in the years. With his compulsion ability, he can easily infiltrate hospitals or blood banks for food. He lives on the twentieth-floor penthouse all to himself. It's dark and very minimalist. If you walk towards an old bookshelf you can push it open into a secret room filled with old antiques and a refrigerator filled with blood. He kept old photos of his old friends and misses them dearly. The only thing he does as a hobby is reading books because there's an infinite amount to entertain him. Citations: The Unredacted. “The Highgate Vampire: Horror of the Dead.”, The Unredacted, 5 Dec. 2016, ( ) “Visiting Oxford City.” Visit Oxford From London - How To, What To Expect And See, ( ) Vampire’s Preferences: (Michelle)- Our vampire prefers sleeping in coffins and moving locations.
Justification: It is widely known that many vampires tend to sleep in coffins. This is shown in one of the most famous vampire movies, Dracula (1931). It emphasizes as a reminder that they are dead, even if modern times makes them out to be beautiful or blend in with humans. Coffins are now widely associated with vampires. It also tends to protect them from the sunlight that could burn them, so for many vampires, coffins play a big roll in their survival. Another preference our vampire has is moving locations for many different reasons like to keep a low profile and to not draw suspicion from people who live in the area or even just to find more of their kind. Vampires are known to be immortal and not age like people do, so they have to move place after place to not be caught. Interview with the Vampire, by Anne Rice, displays this, where Louis tends to go place to place to find other vampires like him. Citations: Wachtel, Allison. “How Coffins Work.” HowStuffWorks Science, HowStuffWorks, 28 June 2018, ( ) “Vampires Sleep in Coffins.” TV Tropes, ( ) “Vampire Location.” Gods And Monsters - Ancient to Modern Mythology, ( )We hope you enjoyed our vampire!
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