Monday, March 18, 2019

Ramim Tarafdar Blogger #25 3/18/2019

March 18, 2019

Aim: How is man torn between the desire to conform and the desire to be an individual?

Group Discussion:
Discuss how you felt coming into the classroom and learning of the new rules. 
- “I was shocked to hear these rules coming from you considering you aren’t the type of teacher to enforce such rules in your classroom.”
- “I was genuinely confused as to what we had done to cause these drastic rule changes and also started to think of who to blame.”

Write Now:
Journal, silently, for at least 3 minutes, about the freedoms you are granted and denied in your home and community. What are the reasons for the denials? Do you accept these reasons? Share. 
- “Whenever I try to have a conversation with my mother, I’m told I have an attitude or I’m completely denied. Her reasons for denying me when I ask her for something are always ‘because I said so.’”
- “My parents are similar but strict in that I’m not allowed to go anywhere alone and I have curfews, which is understandable because I am a girl and she’s worried.”
- “I’m not allowed to do anything unless it’s arranged months in advanced. I’m not allowed to close the door to my room.”
- “I’m not allowed to go anywhere outside of Staten Island even if it is with other people.”

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