Monday, March 25, 2019

Prince Zhang 3/25/19

Aim: How does Winston’s time in the prole district elucidate the theme of “the importance of having knowledge about the past in order to understand the future”?
Do Now: Part 1 Quiz
Do Now: Think-Pair-Share: 
We talked about the First Thanksgiving, discussing the lie that we have been taught in grade school when we were younger, and then reflecting on the horrible truths of what atrocities really occurred back then.
We also talked about how history can be manipulated to make it seem happier, more appealing, and brighter. In Wonston’s case, the people of Oceania were manipulated to believe that 2+2=5 becaus ehteir minds are so vulnerable to being brainwashed. This goes back to George Orwell’s writing style and purpose, which is to question the world around you.
We later talked about how there is hope in the people who are old enough to no be brainwashed by the government and that there needs to be a group of these people to overcome the governments twisted system. Otherwise, once the new generation comes, there will be no hope in being able to rebel against the government because there won’t be any thinkers left in the world.

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