Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Jade Lombardo Blogger #21 3/6/19

Aim: How does Animal Farm demonstrate persuasive manipulation?

Do Now- How would you react and feel if the rules for correct behavior kept changing? Has this happened in recent history? Is this happening in Animal Farm?

It would be hard to keep up with rules for correct behavior if they kept changing. Changes that happen over time could be good, with examples of the US being more accepting and having less discrimination. This is happening in Animal Farm, because the people who were supporting Snowball are now supporting Napoleon. This is because of they keep supporting Snowball even if he was exiled, they themselves would be exiled by Napoleon, which forces them to change their behavior. 

Whole Group Discussion- What do the relationships with neighboring farms demonstrate about Animal Farm, and more importantly, what does it say about neighboring countries?

Animal Farm had relationships with other farms like a Non-Aggression Pact. This is what happened in WWII with Hitler and Stalin. They made a pact so that they would not attack each other, but they weren’t really allies. This is the relationship Animal Farm has with other farms. 


-Squealer in Animal Farm is propaganda 
-All persuasion can be interpreted as propaganda 
-Important to note that not all persuasion is propaganda 
-The modern world is always trying to persuade you 

What is persuasion?

A means of convincing people to buy a certain product, act a certain way, or agree with someone. 

Ways used to persuade people-

-Slogan: A catchy phrase or statement often used to sell a service or a product. (Ex: Subway-Eat Fresh)
-Repetition: The name of a product is repeated many times. (Ex: Head On Commercial, Kars for Kids Commercial)
-Testimonial: A well known person supports a product or service. (Ex: Trump Steaks)
-Emotional Appeal (Pathos): A person is made to have strong feelings about a situation or product. (Ex: All the commercials were animals are hurt, and make you cry)

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