Thursday, March 28, 2019

3/28 Maya Abraham

Aim: How does 1984 warn its readers about the power of manipulation?

Do Now: Think Pair-Share
Today for our do now, we as a team came up with questions about the novel to share out and have other groups attempt to answer our question. 
We had a thorough discussion on the topic of “ThoughtCrime” because someone asked the question of “How do the Thought Police know what you’re thinking?”, and some people thought that its just used as a scare tactic, where as some people actually feel that the Thought Police actually know what people are thinking. 

After the discussion, we had to do a “write now”, which required us to write about our Monday morning. The class including myself had obvious difficulties while trying to write this out. We discussed why it was so difficult and it’s interesting to see how easily we forget things, even if it was just a few days ago. And this forgetfulness leaves us to be very vulnerable. 

Then Mrs. Fusaro introduced us to a new mini project where we have to use examples from 1984 as well as historical information and personal reflection to create a lesson about our specific theme that we need to teach to other groups. 

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