Monday, January 7, 2019

Kailey Christensen, #7-6 1/4/19

#7-6 1/4/19
Aim: How does Shakespeare create the effects of suspense and tragedy through morally conflicted character?

Do Now (Pair-Share):
Based on our understanding of Macbeth’s character, how do you think he will truly feel about Banquo’s death? What sort of behavior do we expect from him? Justify your assertions.
I feel that Macbeth would feel relieved and sad. Macbeth would feel relieved because Banquo was his biggest threat to being king. However, he would also feel sad because Banquo was one of his closest friends since the beginning of the play.

Act III, scenes iii (The Murder of Banquo) and iv (The Banquet)
How does the Ghost dismantle Macbeth as a King and as a character?
    The Ghost proves that Macbeth is going insane because he doesn’t recognize that Banquo’s ghost isn’t real.  

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