Thursday, January 17, 2019

Jacob Gurevich #7-12 January 17th

Think about all the pressures associated with being the opposite of the gender you identify with. Discuss societal issues, cultural concerns, and professional responsibilities.

People discussed the societal problems and stereotypes concerning gender roles. They raised concerns about women not getting the same opportunities and men having to play the strong brave leader.

We read Act 4 scene 2 of Macbeth
We see another use of birds in symbolism.
Russ is a very controversial character because we don’t know what side he is on.
We talk about how rambunctious and satirical the son of lady macduff is.
Macduff and Malcom have a long conversation where Macduff is testing Malcom to see if he’s truly on his side.
We discussed how Macduffs whole family was killed and how the unusual line of “ He killed me mom” was practical because it was needed to inform the stage crew what’s going on

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