Monday, November 19, 2018

Elizabeth Vesialou Blogger #7-26 11/19/18

Aim: How is imagery used to highlight the motif of promises?
Do now: Review Macbeth's soliloquy, especially the conclusion. How does the imagery in the beginning and end bring Macbeth to his decision? 

We began the class by finishing act 1 scene 7 of Macbeth. In this portion of the reading we learned that Lady Macbeth wants to get the guards drunk to kill the king who is sleeping. She wants to use a guard's sword to perform the task. Macbeth is finding no reason to do this showing a nurturing side while is wife is cruel. This goes back to "fair is foul and foul is fair" because everything is opposite in their relationship. Lady Macbeth is more masculine while Macbeth is more feminine. 

After discussing this scene, we spoke about types of characters in literature. Some types include: 
1. Round character: reader knows a lot about the character. The character is developed physically, mentally, and emotionally.
Examples of such characters: Lady Macbeth, Macbeth, Ralph, Piggy
2. Flat characters: character is only one sided and not well developed 
Ex: King Duncan, Roger, Robert
3.Dynamic Characters: characters that go through a significant change throughout the story
Ex: Macbeth, Ralph
4. Static Characters: characters who do not change in the story 
Ex: Roger

Then, Ms. Fusaro posted a picture on the board and we had a question to answer in our group. We discussed what the meaning of the image was and what in the image led us to our conclusion. 

After talking in our groups, we shared our answers in a class discussion. Some answers included that it could be Lady Macbeth's conscious that is feeling guilty about her murders because of her scared look and stiff body language. Another idea was that the light in the center represented a positive idea that was surrounded by the negativity in the area. To add on, it could be that a Lady Macbeth is pushing her nurturing feminine side away to allow her cruelty and masculine side to take charge. This is expressed in the image because the woman in the background looks very feminine and looks submissive and scared of Lady Macbeth. Also, the man next to her seems to reach out to cover her as if to overpower Lady Macbeth's feminine side. The two people could represent the two parts of Lady Macbeth and how she is trying to allow her masculine side to shine through.

Our last discussion was motifs which are repetition of specific themes that dominate a literary work. So far in this book the motifs are promises, milk, and hands. More accurate description of a motif is in the image below.

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