Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Jacob Gurevich Blog #12 10/16/18

Do now: Now that you have read the story, do you believe the only theme of Lord of the Flies is that man is inherently evil and needs civilization, laws, and structure to control?
Lord of the flies is an analogy of war where well meaning people put in situations of survival can do unspeakable things.

Some themes from the whole book are :
Man vs Nature
Reason triumphs instinct
duality of good and evil,
Man vs man(inner self)
However, some disagree with the fact that reason triumphs instinct because the boys use no logic or reason when killing Simon and try to act civilized but couldn’t.

The major theme is that power leads to corruption.

A theme is a broad idea, message or lesson that is conveyed by a work.
The message could be about anything and often explore universal ideas.
Motif is any recurring element that has a symbolic significance in a story.
Through motif, an author could develop a theme or mood.

Dues ex machina- plot device where an unsolvable problem is suddenly resolved by an unexpected event. It is intended to move the story and progress through the plot and lead to a happy ending.

Lord of the flies ended on a dues ex machina, we discussed weather it was a good way to end the book or not. Some felt that it was a cheap or easy way to end the book, however some thought that it felt right and necessary that the book ended this way.
We talked about how it was ironic that the boys started a war after escaping a war.

We watched a video in class:

This video shows how the boys lost all of their innocence and how the island changes these boys for the worst.

For the rest of the class we looked for quotes from the book which we felt were the most important in preparation for tomorrow’s review.

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